Saturday, August 29, 2009

A New Release and Blog Candy

snippet for Sat

The Greeting Farm

I'm so excited to tell you that I am a Farmer over at The Greeting Farm . What Fun it is to be part of this amazing Design Team. --Kadie Ensley! is a new Farmer along side of me. Kadie and I are both former Gardeners

As a celebration, we all have some FREE STAMPS to give away! Between now and Sunday night at 11:59 PM, EACH TEAM MEMBER has a stamp single or set to give to ONE RANDOM WINNER on our blogs!

The catch? The winner won't know what they've won (for sure, at least ;) until AFTER they've won it! How's THAT for a SEPTEMBER SURPRISE?!?!?

So, whatcha think I've got for you today? Can't wait to see what you guess...and don't forget to LEAVE A COMMENT here before Sunday night at 11:59 PM CST and you'll be entered to WIN....well, you'll see!

Here is the complete order of the hop:

Cheryl, Kadie, Kim, Sparkle, Mary and Jessica.

....and when you're done? Be sure to head BACK to the TGF Blog and leave a comment letting us know you've hopped, because ONE LUCKY COMMENTER on the TGF Blog will win the ENTIRE release! Holy toads, that's a LOT of prizes!

Good luck and see you on Monday with the full reveal of my card!

Sept 1st there will be a release contest on the TGF blog. -- I can't wait!!!

Have a wonderful week-end Everyone!!!

Hugs Cindy XOXO

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Mary Giles said...

Yay! Cindy! Congrats on the farmer spot! I can't wait to see your amazing creations!

Cheryl Walker said...

Congratulations & Welcome to The Famr Hun!!! Im sooo glad we will be working together on The Greeting Farm!!!!

Love your Snippet, very very pretty!!!! Cant wait to see the full card:)

the paper bug said...

Oh! Could it be a grown-up Ian?! I can't wait to find out!

Isabel Z said...

Congrats on the wonderful news! I think it's Ian in some sort of Hallowee costume--feathers involved?

Anonymous said...

ian as ceaser

Anonymous said...

Wtg on the your Farmer spot Cindy, you deserve it :)

Now the colours are making me think water, so i'm hoping, fingers crossed that its Merman Ian, cos i so want him to go with Mermaid Anya :)

Can't wait to see the full picture :)
Hop Hoppity Hop i go
Have a great day all

queen-of-nostalgia said...

A little Olympian? Or a Greek/Athens theme?

Heather said...

Congratulations Cindy! As for a guess...hmm..I was thinking Ceaser too or maybe a merman Ian? I'm sure I'm way off but figured I'd guess.

♥Rach♥ said...

Oh that one looks like it could be seriously cute!

"Luv 2 Glitter" by Brenda M. said...

Congrats.... The Greeting Farm chose the perfect person to show off their collection. I just adore their stamps.

Lilacanglia said...

I would have to guess its a Anya,
Congrats on the dt spot.

Tracey Feeger said...

Congrats on the Farmer spot. Well deserved. Love your work. I wouldn't want to hazard a guess at what the sneek is of. Of course it looks like a sweet Anya but what I have no idea.

Elena said...

Congratulations Cindy! You trully deserve this! Can't wait to see your new projects!

kris said...

i'm guessing an Ian!!! ooh can't wait to see this stamp!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy,congrats on becoming a farmer! I'm guessing that this is teenage Ian.;o) Tracy

The Scrappin Diva said...

I think it is a new teen stamp

~*Joni said...

Oh Cindy! This is adorable! This looks sort of like a Grek-ish, Roman sort of someone? LOL! I am going to lol knowing how off I am! A HUGE congratulations to your Farmer news! I was having withdrawals not seeing you and Kadie on there any more!

Crystal said...

I think it's a Fall set with kids in the hay !

Caroline said...

It looks it could be an olympian or merman Ian.

Kerry said...

Congrats!!! How about a peacock Anya? Just a wild quess... :D

Mandi said...

Congrats on your new position on the GF DT. :) My guess would be maybe a Merman Ian or perhaps another Mermaid friend for Anya.

Snail Mail Creations said...

Im wondering if its a Anya Dancer with feathers in her hair? Dancing with the stars anyone? lol

Tami said...

I think it is something under the sea.

Jana Marie said...

It looks like a greek goddess anya or a greek god ian, maybe??? Oh maybe it could be a merman for anya?????

Crafty In Carolina Stamper said...

Wow, I am loving these sneak peaks! Can't wait to see the rest of your card.

Carol said...

Congrats and it's a characters hairline with foliage .....

OH MY I can't wait to see what the lil fellas up to :)

StampOwl said...

Congratulations Cindy on becoming a farmer hehe! You guys are teases hehe .... whatever it is I am sure I will need it!

Moni said...

Think it is merman? Hugs Moni

Adrina said...

Aqua Anya?

kat9 said...

I think it is Anya in the 40's. Ok I know I am stretching but I am really not

Mariska said...

Congratulations on your TGF spot! I'm thinking this might be some kind of fairy.....?


Denise said...

Congrats on the Farmer gig! I LOVE your work and know you'l' provide awesome inspiration!

This looks like an Anya or Ian from Greece... can't wait to see!

Donna said...

It looks like a Greek Goddess.

arlene said...

Congrats on your appointment. I'm thinking a sequal to a mermaid of some sort.

Pöydän kulmalla näpertelijä said...

I think it's another limited edition Anya. 1920s art deco style? Or maybe a native american Ian?

tracy said...

I am guessing definetly an Ian stamp but what kind of Ian would have feathers in his hair I can only think of an indian!
thanks for the sneek preview how very exciting.
tracy x

Dawn said...

This may just be the "Vegas" thing since I live here... it looks like a showgirl Anya to me... LOL!

Paperaddict said...

I would guess a greek or indian Ian

Carrie said...

Congrats on making the design team! Yeah! I think it's masquerade Anya. I can't wait to see the full reveal.

Jenn Borjeson said...

I think it's Ian as Jack-In-The-Beanstalk.... :o) Thanks!

Sandra MacLean said...

Congratulations Cindy!! I'm soooo happy for you and Kadie!! This sneak peek is a hard one, but I think it might have something to do with the 20's era?? Maybe a girl with a shimmy dress on??

denean said...

Congrats on joining the farm!

Is it a mer-man? :)

Juanita said...

Congrats! My guess is a is a mermaid.

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said...

Congrats!!! So happy for you :)

Hmmm... might be Ian dressed up for something - Hercules Ian?

TFS :*)
~ margie

Anna said...

A Greek Goddess Anya? Congrats on your new DT postition!

Brandi said...

Hmmmm??? Feathers?




Stacy Morgan said...

Congrats Cindy!!! I think its a Toga Ian... :0)

daisy said...

wauw i think it's a roma ian, sounds exciting!


StampinCathy said...

Congrats Cindy! I just love your creative style and know that you will just rock all the challenges with your inspiring MOJO!
I'm guessing this has something to do with a mermaid. Thanks for a chance.

Chriss Blagrave said...

Love the colouring on this snippet! It looks to me like a beautiful leaf tucked behind an ear...a Goddess.
Congratulations on your appointment Cindy!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to guess its an Anya through the years.. that one makes me think of a flapper, feathers in the hair and a cute little dress.

Very exciting!!

Anonymous said...

something to do w/nature????? I'm just not good at guessing!
Pam Going Postal

Monika in VA said...

First thought was mermaid ~ by the colors ~ but feathers... made me think of some type of dancer ~ or flapper from the roaring 20s

Tasha said...

Hey there Cindy Congratulations on becoming a farmer - it so deserved your cards are always beautiful.

Ok so my guess is some kind of elf - Ian or Anya dressed a a Pixie or elf!

love tasha xx

Christa said...

I am thinking it is a few new Sprouts! I just love them!

Tracey said...

Congrats on being chosen as a Farmer Cindy!! I am totally thinking merman with this. Can't wait to see the full reveal.

jennruggeri75 said...

Congrats!! How exciting!! You are going to be a great farmer!!! I am going to guess flapper anya??

csroyal said...

Congrats to you, Cindy! Congrats to them for getting you!!

Can't even begin to guess... wouldn't matter... they are all so great!!

Looking forward to the rest of this card for sure!

Beth aka BR-T said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JenRaff said...

My first thought was a Greek/Roman themed boy but I love the idea of some kind of merman for Anya. I (again) don't know.
Can't wait for Tuesday.

Stephanie J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth aka BR-T said...

Congrats Cindy! Feathers huh? perhaps a flapper? How cool would that be! Beth

Anne said...

Ancient Rome Ian? :)

abackman66 at hotmail dot com

Pegg S said...

Congratulations on the news! Very exciting ! I'm thinking this is a fairy ? Not sure !

Stephanie J said...

Congrats, Farmer! I deleted the last comment, 'cause I'm changing my guess! I think it's Alice Cullen!

Payne Holler Cards said...

have no idea - not as orginal as comments above..think its a pumpkin? off to keep hoppin' ::)

Inky Angel said...

Congrats Cindy. I am guessing it's a H&G stamp.

Tracy said...

Congratulations. I was thinking maybe a Greek or Roman too, but also thinking maybe some sort of bride?

Kristi said...

OMG-no clue-maybe a jungle theme

Ashley Newell said...

Congrats Cindy! I think it's a flapper Anya.

Tammy said...

Hi Cindy
Congrats on the Gardner stop! How exciting. Your work is truly inspiring.

Great sneak peak. This is a hard one...I'm thinking some kind of Wild Sprout

Callie said...

Something Greek! I don't know... but the suspense is going to kill me for the next few days! :-)

Lynda Nielsen said...

ohhhhhh nooo, I'll never guess this... But I'm going to try... It is... either... something old fashion to go along with the "through the decades" Anya... OR... maybe a little show time girl from vagas maybe, Hmmm, I just don't know, you girls are all such teases, how can I wait to find out??? I hate the suspense! LOL
Can't wait to see the rest of the card.
Lynda =)

cabio's craft corner said...

Congrats Cindy!
My guess is Mermaid/Fairy Anya with a pretty hair piece?!

Anonymous said...

Hi!!! Congrats on the Farmer spot!!!
I'm guessing that this is a beachy type themed Ian!

Heidi said...

hm.... well I was thinking mermaid but could it be Roman/Greek Goddess Anya?

Jane said...

I'm getting a Greek vibe here!! But you know I've never been good at guessing!

Vicki said...

Hige congrats Cindy on the Farmer spot, well done you. Oh this could be a tricky one....maybe a dancer of some kind me thinks...xx vicki xx

Jackie said...

Congrats on being welcomeed back to the Farm! Now the snippet is a bit tricky...possibly another one of the anyas from a time I am going to say greek! Yup, that's my guess!

Shaela said...

congrats!! hmmm... this looks like head feathers on some kind of showgirl... can't wait to find out!

Studio Lailani said...

Happy Saturday!!! guess is maybe a christmas or nature girl. Have a great day!!

loftylass said...

Hi - I think this could possibly be Anya acting - roman!!!
Congrats on joining the farm.
Can't wait to see more.

thegirlyouwillneverknow said...

maybe a roaring 20's flapper girl, the feather in the hair makes me think that. excited!!

Jessica said...

maybe it's an elf, or a fancy gal??

MacKenzie said...

Hmmmm.......Mardi Gras Anya?

Mandy Schneider 97 said...

Fist off: congratulations! you are one lucky lady :) awesome..ok my guess is Anya as a Roman.. with a toga and everything..hehe

Amy said...

I think she's a fancy little can-can type girl with those feathers in her hair... so exciting!

And congrats on becoming a farmer!

Marley said...

Congrats.. I think its anya dressed up for vegas haha. xx Marley

Jeanette said...

Looks like Anya with some kind of feather in her hair? Exciting! Really looking forward to the release :)Congrats on becoming a farmer :)

Sabina said...

Could this be some kind of an Dancer Anya? Can-Can dancer?

Kathy said...

Congratulations on your farmer position, well deserved! I think that the snippet is part of Anya's head with a leaf, maybe a flowery crown or something?!

Ida said...

Congrats on being on the GFTeam.
I'm guessing something under-the-sea like a mermaid.

nbells said...

I think its a miss anya set. I can't wait to see...

Unknown said...

Congrats Cindy...can't wait to see more of your work with TGF. This one looks like a Greek Goddess :)

Kimberly said...

Congrats Cindy! That is super exciting. I can't wait to see your creations - especially the rest of the peek. Looks maybe like a little flapper??

Laura said...

I'm guessing flapper Anya. I can't wait to see what it is!


Maylee said...

Congrats on becoming a "farmer"! I think it's Anya in a costume.

Tanya said...

I LOVE the feathers, I am thinking something greek, so cool, and yet there is Halloween coming up so maybe some costume Anya/Ian.

Unknown said...

Hmm... I am stumped. There is already a mermaid Anya, so it can't be that. Maybe it is Anya dressed in a special Halloween costume.

C. Sage Deerborn said...

Maybe part of a weath on Anya's head making her a Greek Goddess.
Congrat on being on the DT.

Rosanne said...

Hi Cindy--your little "peek" sure does "peek" the curiosity! I think Anya has some pretty feathers in her hair but can't wait to see for sure.

CarlaKH said...

congrats and whatever it is is gonna rock!

Jennifer said...

Greek Anya is my guess. Congrats.

Lorie said...

Holy moly...this is a great picture 'cuz it shows nothing and something all at the same time and with that...I have no idea what this one is! :o)

loyaz said...

I believe these are beautiful feathers.

Jean Peters said...

lovely feathers....its is Indian Ian??

Sheri Gilson said...

Congrats on the farmer spot!! Think it is going to be some fancy dressed up Anya.

Anonymous said...

Is this some sort of Olympian set??? That would be cute!

joni h said...

Congratulations! Looking forward to your creations! My guess is Olympian Ian!

Rachael said...

My guess for this one is a Greek Goddess Anya! :)

Mary said...

Congratulations! My guess would have to be an olympian.

Jamie N. said...

Congrats, Cindy! I cant wait to see all the exciting cards you'll come out with.

It looks like a peacock feather. So maybe a masquerade ball anya? Or, b/c I've been reading percy jackson, its like Greek Goddess Anya?

Jen said...

Oh a feather! cool!

Risa said...

Congratulations to you Cindy!

I can't wait for the new release!

Peggy said...

Congrats Cindy!! I am an avid follower or yours. Love your style!

This looks like a hair ornament so I am going to go with a flapper or showgirl Anya!

Jody Morrow said...

It looks cute! I am thinking it is a flapper with a trendy feather in her hair! :) Can't wait to see the whole card! :)

Diamond Doll said...

Congrats on your new DT position.Ummm could it be an Autumn Anya.
Trish (-:

Lisa said...

Congrats Cindy its well deserved, off hopping

JoAnn V. ( said...

Congrats to you! :)

My guess is that it's a fairy of some sort??? Hmmm...

Marianne Penner said...

Congrats on the farmer spot.

I think the snippet is a merman!

Mary said...

Congrats! I am going to guess it's another mermaid type Anya?

BLJ Graves Studio said...

I bet it is cute... whatever it is. :-)

MargaritaMD said...

I'm thinking... a clapper Anya... for Halloween... or Turkey? for Thanksgiving? hee hee hee

Amy's Stocking Stuffers said...

I think this one is an Ian, but I can't imagine what the leaves are -- it almost looks like a little Roman/Ceasar Ian!

Tosha Leyendekker said...

Congrats Cindy!! They're blessed to have such a fabulous farmer as you!! HUGS!!

Nicole Bingaman said...

Maybe it's some kind of greek/roman god/goddess???

Robin said...

Friends of the Forest Anya/Ian

Unknown said...

Congrats, Cindy! I am thinking it might be an Olympuan, possibly Ian.

Heather said...

Congrats! Definitely a feather of some sort. Forest Fairy perhaps?

Stephanie Zito said...

Love your sneak peek! Maybe an Ian - Roman/Greek or Merman?

Jenny said...

Congrats on making farmer!
I think it's a dancer Anya. Forget what they are called but you see them in westerns in bars??

sandee said...

This looks like Anya wearing a feathered mask.

Nina T.T. said...

Flapper Anya? haha

Naoual said...

HUGE Congratulations Cindy! I love to pop by your blog, 'cuz your cards are AWESOME! So it's well deserved too. Have fun with all the gorgeous stamps girl, can't wait to see the new ones.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Hugs, Naoual

Jenny V. said...

Aloha Cindy! Congratulations to your Farmer news! I'm not sure what it is. But the feathers look beautiful.

Jenny V.

Fay said...

Showgirl Anya?

Amy said...

Ok, I may be way off, but I'm thinking maybe an Ice Princess Anya? Can't wait for the reveal!!!

Anonymous said...

ooooo! i'm thinking this is anya or ian with a mask for a mascarade ball???? that would be awesome!


Mary Friederichsen said...

I have a feeling that my guesses are going to be all over the place today!
Now I think this one may be an Ian Greek God or athlete!?
Can't wait to see your card!

Colette said...

Congrats!! I'm gonna guess this set has a peacock or other birds in it. I can't wait to find out!!

Claireabelle said...

oooo feathers, is it mardi gras!

Shelly said...

Congratulations to you Cindy for making it in TGF farmer. I can't wait to see more of your TGF creations.I'm think it's an Anya wearing a feathered mask too?

Serafiia said...

Hi and congrats!
I would guess this ti be some kind of dancer Anya or the Anya from the 1920's..
Looks awesome and can't wait the see all of it! ;)

NormaJean said...

This is so much fun, I think its a elf for christmas type stamp

Random Acts of Krafting said...

Congratulations Farmer! Enjoy the new job.

Could this be Olympic Anya's?

SannaS said...

Congratulations!!! You're creations are gorgeous!
The image has got to be a vintage Anya, got a 1920's feel about this one... =)
Hugs, SannaS

Lindsay said...

maybe a caberet or can can kind of thing with the feathers in her hair or some other type of dance or vintage related image

Simply Jessabells said...

Is she a 1920's flapper girl?

SemSee said...

Many congrats Cindy on becoming a farmer! I think it's a 1920s Anya with feathers in her hair, possible dancing! Hugs, Sem x

Unknown said...

maybe a greek goddess ;)

Maya said...

Looks like something vintage!

Unknown said...

I think is a Greek Goddess :)

Daisychain said...

I think it's a 20's flapper girl.

KanataNewf said...

hmmm...with that feather in the hair it must be either a showgirl anya or flapper anya..can't wait to find out!

anni said...

Can't imagine but it looks like Anya with hair accessories of some sort?

Brocéliane said...

congrats Cindy:)
I think: Anya held in the Roaring Twenties .

Mrs. Mills said...

I would have to guess a victorian anya or maybe a flapper anya. hee hee hee....

Mrs. Mills said...

I would have to guess a victorian anya or maybe a flapper anya. hee hee hee....

Nena said...

I am loving the card design already!
Can't wait to see the whole stamp

Raquel said...

ohh...a little girl in a halloween costume, like a swingers costume, and a lil feather in her hair, yah!!!

Angel said...

hmm, tough one! i'll guess a Flapper Anya, ya know the old 30s and 40s style of dress. and congrats on your dt spot!

WendyP said...

congrats !!!
hmmm looks like an underwater scene - maybe Ian pairing up with a mermaid ??
smiles W

Stephanie Hargis said...

How exciting Cindy! Congrats girl! I am so excited to see what is coming. I know you will blow us away for sure! :D As for my guess, I would have to agree that it looks like Ian dressed up as Ceaser in a toga! :D Hehe!

kadie said...

Oh, I love your sneak! I can't wait to see the whole thing and I love that you popped up that piece! Soooo happy to be on a team together, Cindy! Have a great weekend!

gobeagirl said...

I think it is a Christmas Anya???? How fun is this? Thanks Lisa G

Angie said...

OMGosh, this is fun! Congratulations on making the DT! WOW!!! ANd I think this looks like a dress up Anya, like she's dressed up as a flapper girl maybe?

Kathy said...

Congrats on becoming a farmer!! Can't wait to see your creations!!
I am thinking this has something to do with the Olympics???
Can't wait to see them all!

Darlene said...

Uhmmm a Flamenco dancer? Hehehe.

Vina said...

I'm thinking..a greek goddess! That would be a cute one!

sunghee said...

I think it a Goddess Anya, heehee.

PBrown9624 said...

Oh this is a tough one! Maybe anya dressed up in some type of roman outfit for Halloween?
Pam Brown

FibreJunky said...

I'm going to guess a new Miss Anya, but that feather is throwing me. maybe it's Miss Anya as a dancer?

Kimberly S said...

Congrats! Maybe a cute Fall stamp?

Denise said...

How about a Ian Mermaid type stamp? That would be awesome!

Denise Wells

Gabby said...

Hey Farmer! Awesome...CONGRATS!!! far from what I see from your peek is awesome! Maybe some show girl because of the hair feathers? LOL!

Vanja said...

No idea..maybe Indian?

Allison Cope said...

I'm thinking "little Indian chief or princess"!

mama teta said...

Hi think it is Ian in a costume .

Amanda said...

Congratulations Cindy! I love your work and you are such an inspirations.

My guess it is Greek Goddess Anya

Lisa Hjulberg said...

Hmmm... looks like a greek god or goddess to me!

Congrats Cindy!!!! I'm sooooo happy for you, girl! (and jealous!) Well-deserved... you know I'm a big fan of your work.

Hugs and high fives,

Kelly Renae said...

it looks like cupid to me, hmmmm.....

AShu93 said...

I think it's someone with a mardi gras mask.

Claudine said...

I would say it's either a little Cesar or some sort of fairy.

connie said...

congrats on your DT spot! I have no idea--i was thinking some type of Fairy.

Tanya said...

the colors look awesome. I'm definitely going to say it's something greek :)

donna mikasa said...

Congrats on the DT spot! Looking forward to Monday's full reveal!

Angelwood said...

I think this image is either a fairy or a flapper...? :o) Angela

Tammy Murphy said...

wow... I need to see some more... looks kind of leafy....

Sammi said...

oooh... how exciting.. congrats on your farmer spot!! :)
I think this is Anya... with some sort of foresty garb on!

Jaspere said...

It almost looks like another mermaid. Can't wait to see...

Genevieve said...

I think it's a little mermaid!

Bobbi said...

Roman Ian?

Chris said...

Congrats! I wonder if it's a Mardi Gras Anya?

Heidi Brawley said...

Hmmmm.... I thnk its a Roman Ian.
Congrats on the DT spot too! ~Heidi

Lisa Foster said...

Congratulations Cindy on a VERY WELL deserved position! I can't wait to see the whole thing... because I really have no clue except to agree with what everyone else"s opinions are :) Congrats again, happy for you...Hugs, Lisa

Barbie said...

it looks like a fairy

Shirley N said...

I think it's Ian. Can't wait to see!

Sprytebyrd said...

Congrats to you!!

I am guessing... Island Ian? Or Cupid Ian.. the hair makes me think of Ian...


Penny said...

Well done on the farmer gig, i just found your blog so im off to look at it some more, Congrats again

Penny said...

I forgot my guess, I think its a Roman image... a little man in roman themeS

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